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call Brunca Rent a Car costa Rica



With Brunca Rent a Car you can discover the natural wonders of Costa Rica…

850 species of birds, more than the United States and Canada combined…

300 of the most beautiful beaches in the world…

200 species of mammals…

67 volcanoes of which 6 are active…

Some of the most stunning jungles in the world…

25% of Costa Rica’s total land mass is protected, the largest percentage of any country in the world.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country with incredible beaches and touristic places where you can get some distraction and eliminate stress produced by your regular busy life, but to get to those places you need to be cautious and keep some precautions on the highways, routes and streets, that’s why Brunca Rent a Car gives you the following advices at the time of driving:

•If you have a foreign driver license, always carry with you your passport or a copy of it and a copy of the page with the entrance stamp. We remind you that international licenses are valid within 3 months since you get into Costa Rica. Doing this you won’t have any problems with traffic police and they won’t make you a ticket of almost $400.

•In Costa Rica velocity is expressed in Kilometers per hour, that’s why if you are used to drive in miles per hour you should look always to your vehicle speedometer because some vehicles only have Km/h in it. Average velocity in Costa Rica’s highways is 80Km/h, but in some places like Cerro Buena Vista, that is a route to Pérez Zeledón, is 50Km/h. You have to be always alert to the velocity signs on route, so you can avoid accidents and also tickets from police.

•In highways of 2 or more lanes you must be careful when you want to change of lane. You always have to put the directional signal indicating you are going to change of lane, but this signal is just an indicator, is not an obligation of the other drivers to let you pass. If an accident happens because the other drivers didn’t let you pass, it won’t be the other drivers’ fault it will be yours because you invaded the other lane.

•There are restrictions to some vehicle plates in San José, these restrictions are according to the last digit of the vehicle plate. Restriction is from Monday to Friday as follows: Monday, plates ended in 1 and 2; Tuesday, 3 and 4; Wednesday, 5 and 6; Thursday, 7 and 8; Friday, 9 and 0. But, rental cars do not have restrictions, giving you free driving through San José, as long as you take the rental contract inside the vehicle. 

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